In a series of events that only God could orchestrate, Christian volunteers from three different churches started the Hightower-Kairos community in April 2006. These volunteers were serving in various Bible studies, in church groups, and other prison ministries when they joined to bring the love and forgiveness that redeems God's children to Hightower. They began with Prayer-and-Share meetings for Brothers-in-White who had gone through a Kairos weekend at other prison facilities and had later been transferred to Hightower. In October 2008, these faithful volunteers coordinated and held the first Hightower-Kairos weekend retreat.
The Kairos concept is to build the Hightower Christian community with prayer and fellowship. In addition to two annual Kairos weekend retreats, we also meet in weekly Prayer-and-Share groups. The fact that we return again and again to Hightower is what distinguishes Kairos from other prison ministries. Without our follow-up support, the efforts of the 3-½ day weekend retreat would quickly be lost in the prison environment. Today, Christian volunteers from many different churches are part of the Hightower-Kairos community. We see the redeeming and transforming work of Jesus constantly through this ministry.