CHRISTIAN CLASS FACILITATOR As part of the prison ministry program at L.V. Hightower, volunteers facilitate Christian courses on Wednesday evenings. You will grow along with our brothers in white as you facilitate discussions around programs to develop your faith. Please contact Jim Miller to get involved.
WAYS TO SERVE AS A KAIROS VOLUNTEER Thinking of volunteering for Kairos? We would LOVE to have you join the 30,000 volunteers worldwide who are already passionate about our mission! If you would like to join us, please go to the Contactpagefor next steps or contact Mark Rutledge to get involved in Kairos #29 in March 2024. Feel free to complete the application and send to Mark. Each Hightower Kairos weekend needs 100+ volunteers. There are many opportunities for you to serve in Kairos Prison ministry. All we ask is that you have a willing heart and a spirit of obedience. You can play a crucial role in God's ministry of changing hearts, transforming lives, and impacting the world. Listed below are opportunities and basic information to help you get involved.
BE A MENTOR TO A BROTHER IN WHITE The Mentoring Program needs you to volunteer! For more information, please contact Walt Hesser. As a volunteer in the Mentoring Program, you will help Brothers in White that are approaching their scheduled release date to transition more smoothly into the free world. At approximately six months before the release date, you will meet monthly. TDCJ has an online mentor training coursethat you can easily take to be qualified as a trained mentor.
BE AN INSIDE TEAM MEMBER Kairos volunteers come from all walks and strata of life. They all share a desire to follow Christ's admonition of Matthew 25:36, "I was in prison, and you visited me." Inside team members work directly with Brothers-in-White during the Kairos weekend, offering the love of Jesus. Our theme is “listen, listen and love, love.”
BE A PRAYER PARTNER All Kairos ministry activities are covered with prayer. During each Kairos weekend, we have prayer stewards rotate outside the prison, praying over each of the day’s activities. During these prayer times, you will encounter the unmistakable presence of the Holy Spirit. You can also recruit prayer partners to make a commitment for daily prayer throughout the Kairos weekend.
BE A MINISTRY FINANCIAL DONOR All Kairos activities are completely funded by donations. It takes $15,000+ to provide each Kairos weekend. If you would like to financially support this ministry, please donate online or mail a check. Information for donations can be found on the Donation page.
BAKE COOKIES During each Kairos weekend, every person at the Hightower Unit receives cookies, including residents and staff. We need a lot of cookies for a Kairos weekend! These cookies represent agape love and forgiveness. We need snicker doodles or chocolate chip cookies, all baked without nuts or fruit.
ATTEND A KAIROS CLOSING Attending a Kairos weekend closing ceremony is a life-changing experience. The impact of a Kairos weekend on Brothers-in-White is made abundantly clear during the closing ceremony when Brothers-in-White share how they encountered Jesus and how God worked in their hearts and lives. Signup HERE for the Kairos #29 Closing Ceremony on Sunday, March 23, 2025.
VOLUNTEER FOR WEEKEND SUPPORT Each Kairos weekend has opportunities for outside prison support, including writing letters, preparing meals, creating agape gifts, or running errands. As an example, encourage your church’s Sunday school classes to color placemats for mealtime.
CREATE VISIBLE AGAPE Visible Agape is artwork which is posted on the walls of the community room for the participants to read throughout the Kairos weekend. Signed placemats and posters made by children (anonymously) are especially treasured by Brothers-in-White. Many of the Kairos graduates take these placemats back to their cells and hang them on the walls. It is not uncommon to see one of the hardest offenders break down and cry over the gift of a placemat, particularly one created by an innocent, precious child and including a message of God’s love. If you would like to send visible agape to an upcoming weekend, please contact one of the representatives that volunteer as a Kairos servant.